
An AI/IoT –based system of GEOsensor NETworks for real-time monitoring of unStablE tErrain and artificial structures - GeoNetSee


05.01.2024 16:28


GeoNetSee (An AI/IoT-based system of GEOsensor NETworks for real-time monitoring of unStablE tErrain and artificial structures) project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme, co-funded by the EU.It corresponds to Danube Region Programme priority: A more competitive and smarter Danube Region and to the specific objective: Enhancing innovation and technology transfer in Danube region.


Project budget: 1.791.280,00 EUR
Interreg funding: 1.433.024,00 EUR
Project duration: January 2024 – June 2026
Project partners: 14 Project Partners + 12 Associate Partners, from 9 Danube countries
Lead partner: School of Electrical Engineering,University of Belgrade
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Rajović


About the project:
GeoNetSee will create a solution for monitoring unstable terrain and artificial structures, which will include a geosensor network and a platform for collecting, processing, and visualizing collected data in real-time.The platform, called the Danube Collaborative Center (DCC) will share all collected data, research findings, best practices, and expertise in multidisciplinary domains. DCC will foster partnerships and collaboration with similar EU organizations and commissions, to leverage existing expertise, share resources, and align efforts in data collection, analysis, and knowledge sharing.The GeoNetSee system will be tested in both laboratory and operational environments (3 countries as pilot sites and 6 as testing sites).The solution will include the installation of permanent CORS stations in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia & Herzegovina, that would join the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) which also includes the EUREF Permanent global positioning satellite systems (GNSS) Network (EPN). An innovation chain of technology and knowledge-intensive activities within the DRP region will be created to close off innovation gaps and the uptake of advanced technologies for a smarter and greener Danube region.


About the participation of BiHGS in the project:

Geological survey of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiHGS) participates as a project partner in the GeoNetSee project.

Terrains in Bosnia and Herzegovina are very susceptible to various types of land mass movement.  Thousands of landslides have been registered, many of which endanger residential buildings and  various infrastructures. In 2014 alone, catastrophic floods and landslides caused economic damage in  the amount of 2.04 billion euros or 15% of the total GDP of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2014. BiHGS  collects data on landslides either through direct landslide inventory mapping or data collection from  municipal services. Based on the collected data on landslides and the factors that caused them, BiHGS  performs modelling for landslide susceptibility mapping.

BiHGS will contribute to the GeoNetSee project by sharing the knowledge and experience gained in  creating the inventory of landslides, establishing monitoring in pilot areas, analysing and comparing monitoring results with previously collected data on monitoring using other methods, informing local  authorities and other stakeholders about the goals and results of the GeoNetSee project, contribute to  reports delivery.

It is planned to install a total of 20 Sensor Nodes in BiH on three active landslides that will be selected for this project.

Contact person: MSc Emir Hodžić, B.Sc. Eng. geology
Period of realization: 2024 – 2026
ID: DRP0200783

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